This week's bloomlist for Wildflower Island is at the end of the post, and Bonnie's
pictures can be found HERE. Peterson names are used for consistency wherever possible,
and comments and clarifications are welcome in the comments section.
We got a strong scent of what I think is Sweet Pepperbush at about #14 on the map, but all we could find were buds. Probably, though, it’ll be open all over the lake edges by the weekend.
The swans didn’t hiss at us today because they were way out in the lake, but maybe you’ll get a sample of their churlishness if they’re hanging around opposite #23 on the map.
Before I forget, we forgot to look for False Nettle today in that little spit after you pass through the rock wall (just after where the Wild Geraniums were). It was there last week, and was probably there today.

There’s some long grass just as you pass into The Woods from the parking lot on the left of the path. It’s always been eaten, so I never really tried to identify it. But today I saw some florescences that really do look like Wheat, so I’ve written to Leigh to see if they planted some of that there, and also a little further along the path where there's a bunch of them roped off.

My grasses book says that the sometimes the little florets have bristles, and sometimes not. Ours do not, but GoBotany has pictures of both kinds. The description provided by Illinois Wildflowers exactly matches what we have here.
(Someone really cut back the Red-osier Dogwood on the boardwalk to the bird blind. Just saying....)

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