This week's bloomlist for Wildflower Island is at the end of the post, and Bonnie's
pictures can be found HERE. Peterson names are used for consistency wherever possible,
and comments and clarifications are welcome in the comments section.
This is a great week for mushrooms,so we took as many pictures of them as possible and carved them out into their own folder at this link.
I’d like to name some of the places on the Island and in The Woods because it will be easier to refer to them.
Sweetflag Swamp: at the beginning of WFI, even though the Sweetflag itself is only visible at the end of the walk, from the other side.IN THE WOODS
East side of island, the two connected boardwalks:
Boardwalk 1 (Lizard’s tails).
Boardwalk 2: Mottled Wild Ginger is at the end of this one.
Northeast Garden: this is where we always see Starflowers, Creeping Phlox, Lobelias, and Maidenhair Fern.
Spring Hill: the rocky bit where the Dwarf Crested Irises, Wintergreen and Fire Pink live. I believe we’ve been calling it Spring Hill already, but let me know if it has been called something else.
The T: where the Creeping Buttercup and Sneezeweed are.
Lakeview Point: where you can see the expanse of Teatown Lake.
StonecropPepperbushPoint: southern tip. You can see the gatehouse from this point. [I think Stonecrop Point is better than Pepperbush Point, because Stonecrop is there year-round, so I’ve changed this from my original suggestions.]
Shaded Garden: the flower bed where the Tiger Lilies used to be. We may have called it the Garden or the Meadow in the past, but it’s too shaded now.
Rock Steps: going down and back up to the parking lot
Witch-hazel Hill: the upper part of this hillside is above the recently planted Witch-hazel trees. We usually see Chickweed, Cardinal-flowers, Gill, Burdock in there. The lower part of this hill is accessible from the path. It has the Spotted Touch-me-not, Sow-thistle, Violets.
Spruce Oval: where the planted circle of Norway Spruce is
Court Bridge: to the left of the gatehouse, where the Bur-marigolds and Irises are (“court” meaning off the “court” before the gatehouse). I’m open to other suggestions.
Waterfall Bridge:Curled Dock and Lesser Celandine meadow to the left, Rough Avens to the right
Birdblind Boardwalk: self-explanatory
White Cutgrass (native, now blooming) vs. Japanese Stiltgrass
The Cutgrass (Leersia virginica, on the left below) is so similar to the Stiltgrass (Microstegium vimineum, on the right), but the Cutgrass doesn't have the paired spikelets that the Stiltgrass has. The Stiltgrass won’t bloom for another couple of weeks.
We had Ditch Stonecrop by the Lizard’s-tail last week, but may have overlooked it this week. (It continues to be out by the birdblind in The Woods.)
Ferns are also glorious.
We saw two swans today, which is such a relief because we missed them for the past two weeks.

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