This week's bloomlist for Wildflower Island is at the end of the post, and Bonnie's pictures
can be found HERE. Peterson names are used for consistency wherever possible, and comments
and clarifications are welcome in the comments section.

Update: We missed the Shinleaf that was blooming in the patch of Hay-scented Ferns.
A much greener day in the Woods today, with a lot of the colorful plants gone and the soon-to-be colorful ones not yet blooming. Only a few things to mention... The Goutweed just as you come into the Woods from the parking lot gave us pause. Most were in full normal bloom, but a few were not so rich. This one has both inflorescences on the same plant.
Deerberry gone, Maleberry in.
Here are the two side by side, where you can see styles peeping out of the florets of the Deerberry, and blueberry-looking florets on the Maleberry:

By the way, an interesting article on Maleberry poisoning in dogs here.
The only other thing I wanted to mention today is the Privet situation, one small shrub of which is by the Waterfall Bridge marked on the map. Here's a picture of it, but I didn't look closely at it today:

introduced as a hedge planting strongly-scented flowers anthers shorter than surrounding tube of white petals leaves glossy, produced in dense ranks considered invasive in parts of New England range
Picture from Discover Life
GoBotany's description of the Border Privet (L. obtusifolium) includes:
Foul-smelling, downy white flowers
Anthers nearly as long as the petals (corolla tube) Densely-branching, fine-leaved shrub Potentially invasive
Picture from SEINet

Leggy shrub Glossy green, oval, opposite leaves Connecticut considers it potentially invasive
Picture from IPANE
I should have said "greener and whiter" day today, because apart from all the white flowers talked about above, there were a slew of others. New are the Swamp Azalea (Rhododendron viscosum), Partridgeberry (Mitchella repens), Rough Bedstraw (Galium asprellum), and Honeysuckle, but hanging on from last week are all these: Canada Anemone, Multiflora Rose, Galax, Southern Arrowwood, Thimbleweed, Bowman's-root, a single Cream Violet, Bluets, Large Houstonia, Foxglove Beardtongue, Mountain Laurel, American Bur-reed, Shinleaf, and Ox-eye Daisy.
And then of course, some quintessential whites and their baby.

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